Waters, director of the Center for the Study of the First Americans at Texas
A&M University, has more than 30 years of experience in the field. He is
also an author of Clovis Lithic Technology: Investigation of a Stratified
Workshop at the Gault Site, Texas (TAMU Press, 2011). In a thorough
synthesis of the evidence from this prehistoric “workshop,” Michael R. Waters
and his coauthors provide the technical data needed to interpret and compare
Excavation Area 8, or the Lindsey Pit, with other sites from the same period,
illuminating the story of Clovis people in the Buttermilk Creek Valley.
Goebel, associate director of the Center for the Study of the First Americans,
is also the author of From the Yenisei to the Yukon: Interpreting Lithic
Assemblage Variability in Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Beringia (TAMU
Press, 2011). Through a technological-organization approach, this volume
permits investigation of the evolutionary process of adaptation as well as the
historical processes of migration and cultural transmission. The result is a
closer understanding of how humans adapted to the diverse and unique conditions
of the late Pleistocene.
--Madeline Loving
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