This week, staff members of Texas A&M University Press
are in Chicago
attending the Association of American University Presses Annual Meeting. The
Annual Meeting of the Association of American University Presses predates the
founding of AAUP itself. The seeds of the Association were planted during
informal conversations between university press representatives who attended
the yearly meetings of the National Association of Book Publishers in New York City throughout
the 1920s. These informal conversations gradually became longer and more
formal, with agendas, invited attendees, and minutes. In 1928, a group of
university presses finally set up their own separate meeting, reserving rooms
at the nearby Waldorf-Astoria.
A growing (though still unaffiliated) group of university
presses continued to meet in New York annually. At the 1937 meeting, they
formed the Association we still know today—and meetings continued under the new
rubric of AAUP. New
York City continued as the annual meeting home until 1946, when Chicago took on hosting
duties—a city it seems appropriate to return to in 2012.
The 1978 annual meeting in Baltimore was a milestone. Held during the
"University Press Week" declared by US President Jimmy Carter, the
meeting celebrated 100 years of university press publishing in the United States
at our host press Johns Hopkins. The year also marked 500 years of university
presses globally with the anniversary of the first volume printed in Oxford.
Perhaps the most memorable meeting of the past decade took
place in New Orleans
in 2006. Less than a year after Katrina, while there was some unease felt about
holding a conference in a city where services were so strained, there had also
been no doubt as to the Association's commitment to the city—to bear witness,
in a way, but also to provide even the small economic boost of a meeting such
as ours. AAUP will return to New
Orleans in 2014.
Of course, in 1987 and today, we are still following the
path laid down by AAUP's founders who, in 1936, discussed institutional
relationships between libraries and university presses. The AAUP Program
Committee shapes our annual meeting each year, putting together conference
agendas on the most pertinent topics and pressing professional needs in
scholarly communications. It is fitting to close with the words of the AAUP
2012 committee, who constructed a program addressing "the volatility of
our industry, as well as our collective reliance on foundational skills and
disciplines that have endured for decades. This year, 75 flames flicker on the
candles of AAUP's birthday cake. Watch them and reflect on the past. Then watch
them kindle the future."
By: Paige Bukowski
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