Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Linda Moore Lanning on Army Wife Network

"Life happens while you're waiting. . ."

In Waiting: One Wife's Year of the Vietnam War, author Linda Moore-Lanning gives a personal account of her experience as a wife on the home front during the Vietnam War.

During this difficult year, she experienced the agony of waiting for the next letter from her husband, struggled with anti-military sentiments, and discovered she was pregnant.

In a recent interview with the Army Wife Network's blog talk radio show (featured on the Web site for Army wives, by Army wives), Linda discusses her efforts to recall and write about this period in her life (starting more than twenty years after the fact) and the parallel experiences of waiting wives then and now.

See this excerpt, where Linda talks about her insistence that her husband, Michael Lee Lanning, give her an honest account of his experiences overseas:

"I thought it was important if we were going to have a close relationship when he got home that I know what he was going through. He was very good about sharing that - he told me the facts, what he was thinking and feeling. It was important toward the end (of his deployment). He had been in the field more than nine months at that time. Those were critical times and letters, and it was important then that I knew what he was going through."

Hear the full interview here (Show # 241).

Also, interact with Linda on the Waiting Facebook page.

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